Bull Put Spread Strategy

The Bull Put Spread is an options trading strategy that is used by investors who are bullish on the underlying asset's price. This strategy involves selling a put option with a higher strike price and buying a put option with a lower strike price. It's a credit spread strategy, which means that the investor receives a credit or premium for the options they sell. In this blog, we will explore the Bull Put Spread strategy in detail, including how it works, how to implement it, and its benefits and risks.

How the Bull Put Spread Works:

The Bull Put Spread is a bullish strategy that generates income by selling put options with a higher strike price and buying put options with a lower strike price. This strategy is implemented when the investor believes that the underlying asset's price will rise, but wants to limit their potential losses in case the asset's price falls.

When an investor sells a put option, they receive a premium for taking on the obligation to buy the underlying asset at the strike price. By buying a put option with a lower strike price, the investor limits their potential losses in case the asset's price falls. The difference in premiums between the two options is the investor's maximum profit, which is realized if the asset's price remains above the higher strike price at expiration.

Implementing the Bull Put Spread Strategy:

To implement the Bull Put Spread strategy, follow these steps:

  1. Choose an underlying asset that you are bullish on.
  2. Choose the expiration date and the strike prices for the put options. The higher strike price should be where you are comfortable buying the underlying asset, while the lower strike price should be the maximum amount you are willing to lose.
  3. Sell a put option with a higher strike price and buy a put option with a lower strike price.
  4. Calculate the maximum profit, maximum loss, and breakeven point for the strategy.

Understand the picture below to know about the payoff of this strategy

Benefits and Risks of the Bull Put Spread Strategy:

The Bull Put Spread strategy has several benefits, including:

  1. Limited risk: The maximum loss is limited to the difference between the strike prices minus the premium received.
  2. Generates income: The strategy generates income by selling the put option.
  3. Flexibility: The strategy can be adjusted to suit the investor's risk tolerance and market outlook.

However, there are also risks involved in implementing the Bull Put Spread strategy, including:

  1. Limited profit potential: The maximum profit is limited to the premium received.
  2. Margin requirements: Margin requirements can be significant, especially for uncovered options.
  3. Unforeseen events: Unforeseen events, such as a significant change in the underlying asset's price, can result in significant losses.

Example of Implementing the Bull Put Spread Strategy:

Let's assume that you want to implement the Bull Put Spread strategy on Reliance Industries, which is currently trading at INR 2,000. You choose the expiration date of one month from now and the strike prices of INR 1,800 for the sold put option and INR 1,750 for the bought put option.

You sell one put option with a strike price of INR 1,800 for a premium of INR 10 and buy one put option with a strike price of INR 1,750 for a premium of INR 5. The net premium received is INR 5.

The maximum profit for the strategy is the net premium received, which is INR 5. The maximum loss is the difference between the strike prices minus the premium received, which is INR 45. The breakeven point is INR 1,795.


In conclusion, the Bull Put Spread strategy is a bullish options trading strategy that generates income by selling put options with a higher strike price and buying put options with a lower strike price. This strategy is suitable for investors who believe that the underlying asset's price will rise, but want to limit their potential losses in case the asset's price falls.

The Bull Put Spread strategy offers several benefits, including limited risk, income generation, and flexibility. However, there are also risks involved, such as limited profit potential, margin requirements, and unforeseen events. It's important for investors to understand these risks and weigh them against potential benefits before implementing this strategy.

Overall, the Bull Put Spread strategy can be a useful tool in an investor's options trading arsenal, but it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the strategy and the associated risks before putting it into practice. As with any investment strategy, it's advisable to consult a financial professional before making any investment decisions.

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