TradeSafe by Stratzy: The Ultimate Passive Trading Solution

For traders looking for a safer and more convenient way to trade options, Stratzy has come out with Tradesafe: the ultimate low-risk, passive options trading solution with automated credit spreads and 2-3% monthly returns.

What is TradeSafe?

TradeSafe by Stratzy is a passive trading solution for credit spreads, a relatively safer but unexciting way of trading options. The automation feature allows users to set up and execute trades in the background, providing passive income while minimizing risk.

How does it work?

TradeSafe will perform option selling of Out of the Money options on both sides of an Index based on the levels created by Stratzy research team. The shorted options will be hedged with long options on either sides thus making it a relatively safe product. This means executing iron condors for instruments such as NIFTY and FINNIFTY. The money in your trading account will be put in perfectly hedged trades which minimize the risk and fetch you good returns. Your money will be put in credit-spread trades with a win probability of over 67%. Automation allows users to trade without having to monitor the market actively.

Who is TradeSafe for?

TradeSafe is exclusively available for users who have Dhan or Paytm Money as their broker. It's ideal for traders who want to retire from active trading and become passive options sellers. While you focus on your daily tasks, TradeSafe will operate in the background and perform option selling for you.

How do I get started?

To invest in TradeSafe, you need to have either a Dhan or Paytm Money account. Once you have the account, you can get started for free. The minimum capital allocation is 2 lakhs but we recommend a capital allocation of over 4L inorder to minimize the costs paid up as brokerage.

An option that you can explore is pledging your equities and putting that capital in TradeSafe, thus generating an additional income over your equity gains.

Benefits of using TradeSafe

  1. Safer Trading: Credit spreads are a relatively safer way of trading options compared to options buying and debit spreads.
  2. Passive Income: Users can expect a monthly return of 2-3% from their passive trades.
  3. Convenient: Automation allows users to trade without having to monitor the market actively.


Our Passive Trading of Credit Spreads product on Dhan and Paytm Money offers users a safe and convenient way to trade options. The automation feature allows for passive income, while periodic reports provide users with updates on how their trades are performing. TradeSafe by Stratzy is the ultimate passive trading solution for traders looking to minimize risk while maximizing returns.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of trades does TradeSafe contain?

TradeSafe will perform option selling of Out of the Money options on both sides of an Index based on the levels created by Stratzy research team (Iron Condors). The shorted options will be hedged with long options on either sides thus making it a relatively safe product.

In what market scenario is TradeSafe likely to generate the most returns?

TradeSafe will perform best when there isn’t a lot of momentum in the markets on either side. It makes the most returns when the underlying index is rangebound on the current expiry.

Is option selling risk-free?

Option selling is not a completely risk-free endeavor. Stratzy will hedge your trades on both sides to minimize losses, but users should proceed with caution. Only enter this product if you have done options trading before and understand it well.

What reports will I receive from TradeSafe?

Users will receive periodic reports on how their passive trades are performing via WhatsApp.

What should I do if I have more questions about TradeSafe?

If you have more questions about TradeSafe, please reach out to our customer support team.

Can I withdraw my investment at any time?

Yes, you can withdraw your investment at any time. The money stays in your broking account, and you can withdraw it whenever you like.

What happens if my account balance falls below the funds under TradeSafe?

If your account balance falls below the funds under TradeSafe, you will receive an alert. You can choose to increase the funds under TradeSafe or stop TradeSafe.

How many trades will be executed under TradeSafe?

Under TradeSafe, your money will be put in credit-spread trades with a win probability of over 67%. The number of trades executed will depend on market conditions and the available opportunities.