How to Integrate Your Upstox Account with Stratzy Algotrading

Upstox API setup guidance for Stratzy Algorithmic trading

Integrating your Upstox account with Stratzy's algotrading platform can unlock powerful trading strategies and automation for your investments. Follow these simple steps to get started:

Step 1: Visit the Upstox Developer Portal

Go to

Step 2: Log in to Your Upstox Account

Use your Upstox credentials to log in.

Step 3: Create a New App

Click on the + New App button at the top right corner of the page.

Step 4: Fill in the App Details

Enter the details as shown in the image below:

Step 5: Confirm App Creation

Review the information and confirm the creation of your app.

Step 6: Retrieve Your API Key and API Secret

On the app page, you will see your newly created app. Click on it to get your API Key and API Secret.

Step 7: Log in to Stratzy and Set Up Your Algo

Go to Stratzy Login and log in with your Stratzy credentials. After logging in, select the algo of your choice.

Step 8: Enter Your Credentials and Set Up the Algo

On the credentials setup page, enter the following:

  • TOTP Key
  • 6 Digit Pin
  • API Key
  • API Secret

Note: 6 digit pin is the app pin you enter during Upstox login but not the TOTP pin

For totp setup refer -,on%20your%20registered%20mobile%20number

Wait for the credentials testing to finish. Once completed, you can proceed with setting up your algo.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate your Upstox account with Stratzy's algotrading platform and start leveraging automated trading strategies.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy trading!

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