Gamma: The Option Greek

Gamma: The Option Greek

When it comes to options trading, one of the most important metrics that traders need to understand is the Greeks. The Greeks are a set of variables that help traders to measure the sensitivity of an option's price to different factors, such as changes in the underlying asset's price, time to expiration, volatility, and more. One of the most important Greeks is Gamma, which measures how much an option's delta changes in response to changes in the underlying asset's price. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at Gamma, what it means, and how it can be used in options trading.

What is Gamma?

Gamma (Γ) is a measure of the rate of change of an option's delta in response to changes in the underlying asset's price. Delta measures the sensitivity of an option's price to changes in the price of the underlying asset. Gamma, therefore, measures how sensitive an option's delta is to changes in the price of the underlying asset.

Gamma is positive for both call and put options, meaning that as the price of the underlying asset increases, the delta of a call option becomes more positive, and the delta of a put option becomes more negative. Conversely, as the price of the underlying asset decreases, the delta of a call option becomes more negative, and the delta of a put option becomes more positive. This is because as the price of the underlying asset changes, the option's delta changes as well, and Gamma measures the rate of change of the delta.

Gamma is also highest for at-the-money options and decreases as the option moves further into the money or out of the money. This is because at-the-money options have the highest delta, meaning they are the most sensitive to changes in the price of the underlying asset. As the option moves further in the money or out of the money, the delta decreases, and so does the Gamma.

How is Gamma Calculated?

Gamma in options is calculated by taking the second derivative of the option's price with respect to changes in the underlying asset's price. In other words, it measures the rate of change of the option's delta for each unit change in the price of the underlying asset.

The mathematical formula for Gamma is as follows:

Gamma = (Δ²V) / (ΔS²)


  • Δ is the option's delta
  • V is the option's price
  • S is the price of the underlying asset

To calculate Gamma, you first need to calculate the option's delta, which measures the sensitivity of the option's price to changes in the underlying asset's price. Delta can be calculated using the following formula:

Δ = (∂V / ∂S)


  • V is the option's price
  • S is the price of the underlying asset
  • ∂V is the partial derivative of the option's price with respect to changes in the underlying asset's price
  • ∂S is the partial derivative of the underlying asset's price

Once you have calculated the option's delta, you can use the formula for Gamma to determine how much the delta will change in response to changes in the underlying asset's price.

Why is Gamma important?

Gamma is important because it helps traders to understand the risk/reward profile of an options position. If a trader is long an option with a high Gamma, they will benefit from changes in the underlying asset's price, as the option's delta will increase in their favor. However, this also means that if the underlying asset's price moves against the trader, the option's delta will decrease, and they will experience greater losses.

Conversely, if a trader is short an option with a high Gamma, they will benefit from stable prices of the underlying asset, as the option's delta will remain relatively stable. However, if the underlying asset's price moves sharply, the option's delta will change quickly, and the trader will experience greater losses.

How can Gamma be used in options trading?

There are a number of different ways that Gamma can be used in options trading, depending on a trader's strategy and risk tolerance. Here are a few examples:

  1. Gamma scalping: Gamma scalping is a strategy that involves buying and selling options to take advantage of changes in Gamma. The goal of Gamma scalping is to maintain a neutral Gamma position, which means that the trader is neither long nor short Gamma. This strategy is often used by market makers and other institutional traders to manage their options portfolios.
  2. Hedging: Gamma can be used to hedge an option's position against changes in the underlying asset's price. If a trader is long an option with a high Gamma, they can hedge their position by shorting the underlying asset. This will help to offset the losses that the trader would experience if the underlying asset's price moves against them.
  3. Speculation: Finally, Gamma can also be used to speculate on changes in the underlying asset's price. If a trader believes that the price of the underlying asset is going to move significantly in one direction or another, they can take a position in an option with a high Gamma to amplify their potential gains. However, this strategy also comes with increased risk, as the option's delta can change quickly if the underlying asset's price moves against the trader.

It's worth noting that Gamma is just one of the Greeks that traders need to consider when trading options. Other important Greeks include Delta, Theta, Rho, and Vega, each of which measures a different aspect of an option's sensitivity to changes in different factors.

In conclusion, Gamma is an important metric for traders to understand when trading options. It measures how sensitive an option's delta is to changes in the underlying asset's price and can be used in a variety of ways to manage risk and maximize potential gains. By incorporating Gamma into their options trading strategies, traders can make more informed decisions and improve their chances of success in the market.

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