Investment Process of Strategies

Hey 😃
Glad to see you’ve understood about strategies and want to start your investment journey with your favorite strategy.
🗒️ Things to note before investing into Strategies
- There is no Good time to Enter on strategies like ideas. A investor can invest into any strategy at any point of time
- Investor can also exit at any point after the investment. Example: If you’ve invested into Dividend Dons today and after 2 days you need the money, then you can exit from that strategy.
- Though Investors can exit at any point, but it is highly recommended for users to hold their investments for at least 5-6 months or 2-3 rebalancing period under a strategy to see healthy returns
Lets move ahead and understand how the Investment process of Strategies actually work, which is in-fact very simple 😉

- If a user wants to invest more into the strategy, he/she can invest with the same minimum amount after clicking on Invest More ➡️ Similar amount page will pop-up ➡️ Click on Next and it’ll lead to Transaction page ➡️ Swipe Right and now more funds are invested into the strategy.
- As mentioned earlier, investors can EXIT at any point of time by Clicking on Exit button available on the bottom of the invested strategy. ( But it is highly recommended for users to hold their investments for at least 5-6 months or 2-3 rebalancing period under a strategy to see healthy returns).
Wallah Habibi 🤭 Congratulations now you’re invested into strategy and your Journey towards becoming a Smart Investor has begun.
Now that you’re invested into a strategy, lets understand the Rebalancing Process of a strategy.